Frank Zane Height

Фрэнк Зейн

Тренировки —


Фрэнк Зейн – бодибилдер, уроженец США, многократный победитель конкурса «Мистер Олимпия» (1977, 1978, 1979).История Франка Зейна, американского спортсмена – бодибилдера, нетипична. Родился Франк 28 июня 1942 года в Кингстоне, штат Пенсильвания. В детстве много занимался спортом, играл в баскетбол, футбол.

Как и многие молодые люди, Фрэнк начал заниматься бодибилдингом, чтобы избавиться от чувства неуверенности в себе.

Ему было тогда 14 лет. Вскоре он уже побеждал на соревнованиях, так как отличался эстетичным и атлетическим телосложением. А в 1968 году он победил даже молодого Арнольда Шварценнегера.

Учился Фрэнк в городе Уилск-Барре, в местном университете, окончив его в 1964 году. По профессии Фрэнк – инженер – химик. На этом образование Зейн не прекратил. В 1969 году вместе с супругой Кристиной Фрэнк перебрался в Калифорнию, где в 1977 году он окончил Государственный университет Калифорнии (Лос-Анжелес), став дипломированным психологом. Там же Зейн получил степень магистра в 1990 году (Сан-Бернардино).

Отказавшись работать на химическом предприятии, Фрэнк решил отправиться работать в школу учителем, но был вынужден сменить впоследствии химию на математику.

Профессиональная спортивная карьера Фрэнка Зейна началась с 1961 года. Его первое соревнование по бодибилдингу, «Мистер Пенсильвания», не принесло ему успеха. Он занял лишь 17-е место. Но впоследствии его результаты пошли в гору. В 1965 году Фрэнк принял участие в конкурсе «Мистер Вселенная» и стал первым в категории средний вес. Продолжив выступать, Фрэнк участвовал в конкурсе «Мистер Америка» в 1966 и 1967 годах, где так же занимал первые места в категории средний вес. Лишь в 1968 году Фрэнк смог стать абсолютным чемпионом в конкурсе «Мистер Америка». Этого успеха Фрэнк достиг повторно в 1972 году.

Восхождение на вершину конкурса «Мистер Олимпия» так же было постепенным. 1972 год – четвёртое место, 1974 и 1976 года – второй. а затем последовали три года триумфа. Зейн становился чемпионом в 1977, 1978 и 1979 годах. Впоследствии Фрэнк участвовал в конкурсе «Мистер Олимпия», но своих потрясающих результатов повторить уже не смог, занимая второе (1982), третье (1980) и четвёртое(1983) места.

Обладая большим опытом, Фрэнк Зейн начал заниматься литературным творчеством. Он написал несколько книг о бодибилдинге, ставших учебными пособиями для многих спортсменов.

С 1980 года Фрэнк переквалифицировался в тренера по бодибилдингу.

Фрэнк Зейн Frank Zane


Фрэнк Зейн – известный культурист, атлет, имеющий множество титулов и пользующийся огромной популярностью, легенда бодибилдинга. Зейн родился в 1942 году в США, штат Пенсильвания. Многие и многие поклонники культуризма считают именно его бодибилдером, обладающим самой идеальной фигурой. Одним из стимулов подтолкнувших атлета к бодибилдингу, является смерть его отца, который вел нездоровый образ жизни: употреблял алкоголь, курил и умер сравнительно рано. Усиленно тренироваться и накачивать мускулы Фрэнк Зейн начал в подростковом возрасте – когда ему было четырнадцать лет.

  • Приседание — 280 кг
  • Жим лежа — 230 кг
  • Становая тяга — 330 кг

Фрэнк Зейн и Бодибилдинг

Фрэнк Зейн понял, что бодибилдинг это его вид спорта, испробовав множество других, включая бокс и реслинг, потому что ощутил, что его фигура меняется прямо на глазах. В восемнадцать лет он принимает участие в своих первых соревнованиях. Нужно сказать, что Фрэнк Зейн является бакалавром в области психологии и имеет целых два высших образования. Он получил немало наград и занял немало почетных мест в известных соревнованиях: троекратно титулован как Мистер Олимпия в 1977-1979 годах, «Мистер Америка» и «Мистер Юниверс«, а в 1969 году – «Мистер Уорлд». В 1974 г., а в 1976 г. Фрэнк был вторым на популярном соревновании высшего уровня – «Мистер Олимпия» (в категории до 90 кг), как один из самых успешных культуристов стал участником Зала Славы Бодибилдеров в 1994 году. Он является третьим бодибилдером после известного Арнольда Шварценеггера и не менее популярного Стива Ривса. Кроме того Фрэнк Зэйн — активный участник на телевизионных проектах и комментатор спортивных матчей и передач с 1978 года.

Кроме того со временем он разработал тренировочную программу для тех кому за шестьдесят.

Вместе со своей женой Кристиной он открыл кэмпинг для атлетов, где каждый может тренироваться и получать консультации. Сегодня Фрэнк, несмотря на свой возраст, выглядит отлично и поддерживает свою великолепную спортивную физическую форму. Как говорит сам бодибилдер, все это благодаря упорству и соблюдению дисциплины. Он считает, что если постоянно говорить себе, что ты болен или устал, то организм поведет себя соответственно: «Наше тело прислушивается, когда мы говорим о нем

То, что ты сам скажешь о своем теле, более важно, чем то, что скажут другие, включая судей»

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The Frank Zane Pull Workout

Most of your body’s muscles are designed to pull.

The pull workout targets back, biceps, forearms and abs.

  • Deadlift – 6 sets, wide grip (3 sets from floor – 15, 12, 10 reps; 3 sets elevated – 10, 10, 8 reps)
  • T-Bar Rows – 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Front Pull-Down – 3 sets of 10 reps
  • One-Arm Dumbbell Rows – 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Dumbbell Concentration Curl – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Alternating Dumbbell Curl – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl – 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps. Bench at 45-degree angle
  • Barbell Reverse Curl – 2 sets of 12 reps. Superset with Barbell Wrist Curl – 2 sets of 20 reps

Every set was performed with technical precision and followed by stretching, detailed below.

Back Exercises

Wide-Grip Deadlift

The wide grip builds a wider back.

It etches detail into the upper back muscles making them thicker and more defined.

Perform 6 sets total:

The first three sets are from the floor for 15, 12, and 10 reps.

The last three sets are elevated 12 inches on plates or in a power rack for 10, 10, and 8 reps.

Make the last three sets heavier and focus on lat engagement.

A wide grip makes the lift more challenging. It makes you squat lower to lift the load and it puts more tension on your back, arms, forearms, and shoulders.

A very clever adjustment for those trying to maximize muscle mass.

Follow up each set with two-arm lat stretches between every set. Hold each stretch for 15 seconds.

T-bar Rows

T-Bar rows can be done elevated for extra effect.

Stand on a bench and the weight can go much lower before hitting the ground.

This adjustment stretches you back muscles and trains them through a greater range of motion.

Touch the weights to your chest at the top of each rep, and HOLD IT THERE for a second.

CONTROL the weight throughout the entire motion. Move the weight up and down in a methodical fashion.

Fully eliminate any momentum. No sway or body english! As this is cheating and defeats the purpose.

Do two-arm lat stretches between each set. 15 seconds.

Front Pull Down

Pull downs are great because they allow you to concentrate on engaging your back muscles.

Deliberately feel your back muscles working to pull the weight through the entire range of motion.

perform with the widest grip possible and bring the bar all the way to your sternum.

Pull downs are fantastic for building wide lats, if you do them correctly. Perform each rep in a smooth and controlled motion.

Two-arm lat stretches between each set.

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

One-arm rows allow maximum muscle contraction. Hold the top position for 2 seconds each rep. Really feel your lats working.

And, you guessed it, two-arm lat stretches between each set.

Bicep Exercises

You’ll notice Frank Zane trained arms primarily with dumbbells.

Dumbbell training ensured even and symmetrical muscle development on both left and right side.

Symmetry and balance is necessary for an aesthetic physique.

Dumbbell Concentration Curl

3 set of 8-10 reps for each arm.

Concentration curls are perfect for building a full bicep complete with a peak that ‘pops’ when flexed.

Contract the bicep hard at the top of the motion. Seriously squeeze the shit out of them.

Supinate your hand at the top of each rep.(rotate your pinkies up to create the tightest contraction possible.)

Hold contraction for a second or two then slowly lower the weight. Slowly lowering the weight is important to keep tension on the muscle.

When you’re about to start another rep, flex your bicep to start the motion. This is how you build muscle definition. Especially the bicep/tricep muscle separation.

Alternate Dumbbell Curls

3 set of 8-10 reps for each arm. Focus on curling one arm at a time.

Flex hard at the top and lower the weight slow. Pronate the dumbbell on the negative, so your palms face each other at the bottom of each rep. This works the forearms.

Incline Dumbell Curls

3 sets of 12, 10, 8 on a 45-degree angle.

Incline dumbbell curls are totally underrated. They are great for isolating you biceps. They make your bicep ‘reach’, thus training it while in a moderately pre-flexed position.

Forearm Exercises

Developed forearms are key to building a complete physique. Do not overlook them.

Barbell Reverse Curls for 12 reps and seated Barbell Wrist Curls for 20 reps.

Perform these forearm exercises in superset fashion for a total of two supersets.

Bodybuilding titles

  • 1961 Mr. Pennsylvania (17th place)
  • 1962 Mr. Keystone (Winner)
  • 1963 Mr. Keystone (2nd)
  • 1965 Mr. Sunshine State (Winner)
  • 1965 Mr. Universe (1st, Medium Height category)
  • 1966 IFBB Mr. America (1st, Medium)
  • 1967 IFBB Mr. America (1st, Medium)
  • 1967 IFBB Mr. Universe (3rd, Tall)
  • 1968 IFBB Mr. America (Winner)
  • 1968 IFBB Mr. Universe (Winner)
  • 1970 Mr. Universe (Winner)
  • 1971 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe (1st, Short)
  • 1972 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe (Winner)
  • (Under 200 lbs, 4th)
  • (Under 200 lbs, 2nd)
  • (Under 200 lbs, 4th)
  • (Under 200 lbs, 2nd)
  • (Under 200 lbs & Overall Winner)
  • (Under 200 lbs & Overall Winner)
  • (Under 200 lbs & Overall Winner)
  • (3rd, after suffering a near-fatal injury at his home, requiring lengthy hospitalization)
  • – did not compete (boycotted the Mr Olympia contest after the controversial 1980 contest)
  • (2nd)
  • (4th, after suffering another accident on his bicycle, requiring extensive shoulder surgery shortly after the contest)

Competitive stats

  • Height: 5 ft 9 in (175 cm)
  • Contest weight: 185 lb (84 kg)
  • Off-season weight: 200 lb (91 kg)
  • Arms: 18 inches (45.7 cm)
  • Neck: 17.5″ (44.5 cm)
  • Chest: 51″ (129.5 cm)
  • Waist: 29″ (73.7 cm)
  • Thighs: 26″ (66 cm)
  • Calves: 17″ (43.2 cm)
  • Wrist: 6.5″ (16.5 cm)
  • Ankle: 8″ (20.3 cm)

About Frank

Born: June 28, 1942Birthplace: Kingston, Pennsylvania, USAResidence: San Diego, California, USANickname: The ChemistHeight: 5′ 9″ (175 cm)Competition Weight: 200 lbs (90 kg)Off Season Weight: 220 lbs (99 kg)Arms: 18″ (46 cm)Waist: 29″ (74 cm)Chest: 52″ (130 cm)Thighs: 26″ (66 cm)Calves: 16,5″ (42 cm)

Frank Zane (born June 28, 1942, in Kingston, Pennsylvania) is an American former professional bodybuilder and teacher.

Zane received a B.Sc (Bachelor of Science degree) in Education from Wilkes University in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania in 1964. For 13 years, he taught mathematics and chemistry while living in Florida and California. He also taught mathematics at Watchung Hills Regional High School, NJ, circa 1967 for two years. He also later he earned a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts degree) in psychology from Cal State LA in 1977. Finally, he was awarded a Master’s degree in Experimental Psychology from Cal State SB, California in 1990.

Zane is a three-time Mr. Olympia (1977 to 1979). His reign represented a shift of emphasis from mass to aesthetics. Zane’s proportionate physique featured the second thinnest waistline of all the Mr. Olympias (after Sergio Oliva), with his wide shoulders making for a distinctive V-taper. He stood at 5’9″ and had a competition weight of 187-195 pounds when he won Mr. Olympia (He weighed over 200 lbs when he competed in the 1960s). Zane is one of only three people who has beaten Arnold Schwarzenegger in a bodybuilding contest (1968 Mr. Universe in Miami, FL) and one of the very few Mr. Olympia winners under 200 pounds. Overall, he competed for over 20 years (retiring after the 1983 Mr. Olympia contest) and won Mr. America, Mr. Universe, Mr. World and Mr. Olympia throughout his illustrious career.

He has written many courses and books about bodybuilding. In 1994, Zane was inducted into the 1st annual Joe Weider Hall of Fame. He received the Arnold Schwarzenegger lifetime achievement award at the 2003 Arnold Classic for his dedication and long-time support of the sport. He was given the nickname “The Chemist” due to his Bachelor of Science degree and, as he puts it: “Back in the day I took a lot of supplements and tons of amino acids. Still, do. But back then it was pretty unusual. That’s how I got the nickname The Chemist”. There was also a perception that his nickname was given because he was very scientific in reaching his peak on the exact day of competition, year after year.

In 1985, Frank and his wife Christine owned and operated Zane Haven in Palm Springs, CA where they conducted one-on-one sessions with clients who wished to possess a symmetrical physique. Today, the Zanes live in San Diego, CA and his learning center is now called Zane Experience.

In 2005, Frank Zane played the IFBB Announcer and worked as the consulting producer in the movie “See Arnold Run.” As of 2006, Zane currently runs his own website, appears at seminars and book signings. He still trains with weights at age 70.

In 2011 Frank Zane appeared in the documentary Challenging Impossibility (film) describing the weightlifting odyssey of spiritual teacher and peace advocate Sri Chinmoy. The film was an Official Selection of the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival. Frank was in attendance.

Mr. & Masters Olympia Results

  • 1972 – Olympia: 4th
  • 1974 – Olympia: 2nd (LightWeight)
  • 1975 – Olympia: 4th (LightWeight)
  • 1976 – Olympia: 2nd (LightWeight)
  • 1977 – Olympia: 1st
  • 1978 – Olympia: 1st
  • 1979 – Olympia: 1st
  • 1980 – Olympia: 3rd
  • 1982 – Olympia: 2nd
  • 1983 – Olympia: 4th

Titles Won

  • 1962 – Mr. Keystone
  • 1965 – IFBB Junior Mr. America (Medium)
  • 1965 – IFBB Universe (Medium)
  • 1966 – IFBB Mr. America (Medium)
  • 1966 – IFBB Mr. East Coast
  • 1966 – IFBB North American Championships
  • 1967 – IFBB Mr. America (Medium)
  • 1968 – IFBB Mr. America
  • 1968 – IFBB Mr. International
  • 1968 – IFBB Mr. Universe
  • 1969 – IFBB Mr. World
  • 1970 – NABBA Mr. Universe
  • 1971 – NABBA Mr. Universe Pro (Short)
  • 1972 – NABBA Mr. Universe Pro

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Frank Zane Posing Clinic Training Seminar

June 24th & 25th in the San Diego, CA Area

 In his book Symmetry, Frank Zane shares how the “Legends of Muscle Beach” – himself, Arnold, Dave Draper, Franco Columbo, and photographer Artie Zeller used to hold mock competitions and pose for each other to determine which areas they needed to focus on for their next competition.


Frank Zane is resurrecting this old school tradition by offering his own Posing Clinic and Training Seminar at his Private Studio in the San Diego California area on June 24th and 25th.

Who Can Attend?

It is open to male and female bodybuilding competitors of all ages. Men’s categories include Classic Bodybuilding, Men’s Bodybuilding and Men’s Masters Bodybuilding. Women’s categories include Women’s Bodybuilding and Women’s Physique.

Are you wondering what you need to do to take your posing to the next level?

Whether you are a novice or a seasoned competitor, you will benefit from learning from the legendary Frank Zane!

This once-in-a-lifetime program will teach you all of Frank’s absolute best secrets for posing and competing.

It is available on a 1st come and 1st serve basis and is limited to ONLY 12 people.

Here’s what you’ll learn…

  • Franks Best Posing Secrets
  • Perfecting Your Poses & Posing Routine
  • Best Poses and Arrangement within your Routine
  • The Kinetic Sculpture – Viewing Your Body as an Art Form
  • Practice Tips
  • How to Build a Focused and Confident Attitude
  • How to Select the Best Music
  • How to Showcase Your Strong Points and Hide Your Weaknesses
  • What Exercises to do with Proper Form to Improve your Weak Points

Day #1 – Saturday, June 24, 2017

9:00 am – 12:00 pm – Morning Session12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – *Lunch Break1:00 pm –  4:00 pm – Afternoon Session

Frank will conduct a special seminar and share some of his greatest posing secrets.  He will also analyze your personal strengths and weakness, explain how to best showcase your physique, what poses are best, and what training movements are necessary to bring up your weak points.

Frank and his Team will Take Photos of you doing all of the mandatory poses and poses within your routine to be sure you put your best poses in the right places.

You will be sent back to the Hotel with the homework of perfecting your poses for the competition on Day #2.

Day #2 – Sunday, June 25, 2017

9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Frank and the Zane Team will hold a mock competition where you will showcase your posing and competition routine.

You will receive a detailed scorecard with feedback on your strengths and weaknesses to give you the best game plan for success in your next competition.

Required Reading:

All attendees are required to review pages 76-82 on posing from Frank’s best-selling book High Def Body prior to attending the clinic on June 24th and 25th.

Click here to purchase High Def Body or Frank’s Ultimate BodyBuilder Bundle which includes his 3 best-selling books (including High Def Body) and his Train with Zane training DVD.


  • Attendees are responsible for arranging and paying their own hotel reservations and transportation between the airport and hotel.
  • Here are links to two local hotels that are within 2-4 miles of Franks Private Training Studio.

Best Western Plus
9550 Murray Drive
La Mesa, CA 91942

Holiday Inn La Mesa
8000 Parkway Drive
La Mesa, CA 91942

Transportation to Frank Zane’s Private Training Studio:

  • Transportation to and from Frank Zane’s private training studio is included in your registration fee.
  • We will pick all participants up at the front of the Best Western Plus and the Holiday Inn promptly at 8:45 am each day and return them to their hotels at the end of the training each day.

  • Note:  All attendees must go to either hotel for pick up and drop off as there is very limited parking at Frank’s Private Training Studio.


  • *We will transport participants to and from Anthony’s Fish Grotto, La Mesa for lunch on their own on Saturday at 12 noon and pick up for return to training studio at 1:15 pm.  

  • Sunday we will wrap up by 1:00 pm, so please bring snacks to hold you over.

  • Please email with any special dietary requirements.



Admission for One
$1795Sale: $995
Admission for (1) to 2-day Seminar
Transportation to and from Frank’s training studio
Lunch (Saturday only)
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Admission for Two
$3590Sale: $895 per person($1790)

Admission for (2) to 2-day Seminar
Transportation to and from Frank’s training studio
Lunch (Saturday only)
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Frank Zane Leg Workout Thighs, Calves, Abs

Leg Day is Epic. High volume by most standards. and should absolutely obliterate your quads and hammies.

  • Back Squats – 6 sets of 15, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 reps
  • Leg Press – 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps
  • Lying Leg Curls – 3 sets of 12, 11, 10 reps
  • Leg Extensions – 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps
  • Standing Calf Raise – 3 sets 15-20 reps
  • Donkey Calf Raise – 4 sets 20-25 reps
  • Seated Calf Raise – 1 drop-set of 20 total reps: 5, 5, 5, 5, reps non-stop decreasing weight each set

Thigh Exercises

Barbell Back Squats

6 sets x 15, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8.

Go below parallel and slow negatives.

These will burn. Relish it. Don’t be too eager to unload the weight. Train through the pain!

Leg Press

3 sets x 15, 12, 10 reps

Get deep into the negative and don’t quite lock out at the end of the rep.

Keep tension of the thighs. No need to use heavy weight.

Go nice and slow through the whole range of motion. Concentrate on getting a good pump.

Follow up each set with a 15 second leg stretch. Toe-touches are perfect.

Lying Leg Curls

3 sets x 12, 11, 10 reps.

Leg curls are the best exercise for isolating the hamstrings.

Lying leg curls are superior to seated leg curls when it comes to building the posterior chain.

Leg Extensions

3 sets x  12, 10, 8 reps.

Thigh exercises are followed by leg stretches in between sets.

Calf Exercises

Standing Calf Raise

3 sets of 15-20 reps. Keep knees slightly bent to get a deeper stretch at the bottom.

Stretch between each set.

“I put my toes on the wall and heel on the floor and lean toward the wall. It gives me a healthy stretch in my calf.”

Donkey Calf Raise

4 sets of 20-25 reps. Keep know bent very slightly. Stretch between sets.

Seated Calf Raise

Done last and usually as a four-part drop-set doing something like 150×5, 120×5, 100×5, 90×5. No rest between drop-sets

Do calf stretches for 15 seconds after each set.

Ab work ended the leg day routine, which was usually anything except hanging leg raises.

Frank wanted to save his upper body from any work so it was well rested for Push Day.


Zane was born in on June 28, 1942. He started bodybuilding as a teenager after reading a muscle building magazine. He went from 130 lbs (59 kg) at 14 to 160 lbs (72.5 kg) at 17 through weightlifting. In 1964, he received a from . For 13 years, he taught and while living in Florida and California. He also taught mathematics at for two years. He earned a in from in 1977. He was awarded a in from in 1990.

Bodybuilding career

Zane is a three-time (1977 to 1979). His reign represented a shift in emphasis from mass to aesthetics. Zane’s physique featured the second-thinnest waistline of all the Mr. Olympias (after ), with his wide shoulders making for a distinctive V-taper. He stood at 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 m) and had a competition weight of less than 190 pounds when he won all three of his Mr. Olympias. He was given the nickname «The Chemist» due to his Bachelor of Science degree and, as he puts it: «Back in the day I took a lot of supplements and tons of amino acids. Still do. But back then it was pretty unusual. That’s how I got the nickname The Chemist.»

He famously trained with light weights which saw him to many victories but urged him to train with heavier weights. Zane then found the size necessary for success at the Olympia. After his three consecutive Mr. Olympia titles came the . Shortly before the competition he suffered a near-fatal accident and he lost 15 lbs (7 kg) of muscle mass. This saw the end to his reign, as controversially placed at the top of the podium in his comeback, with Zane in third.

Zane is one of only three men to have beaten Schwarzenegger (with and Sergio Oliva) in a bodybuilding contest and one of the very few Mr. Olympia winners under 200 pounds. Overall, he competed for over 20 years (retiring after the ) and won Mr. America, Mr. Universe, and Mr. Olympia during his career.

In 1985, Frank and his wife Christine owned and operated «Zane Haven» in where they conducted one-on-one sessions with clients who wished to possess a symmetrical physique. Today, the Zanes live in , and his learning center is now called «Zane Experience». He is the founder of Zane Gallery in Laguna Beach, CA which features bodybuilding art and photography and is dedicated to bringing Golden Era Bodybuilding back into the mainstream. In addition to this, he operates a successful commerce site selling books, supplements and training equipment.

In 1994, Zane was inducted into the Joe Weider Hall of Fame. Since 1998, Zane has written a newsletter entitled Frank Zane Newsletter, that provides the latest information in all aspects of bodybuilding. He received the Arnold Schwarzenegger Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2003 for his dedication and longtime support of the sport.

In 2005, Zane played the IFBB Announcer and worked as the consulting producer in the movie «See Arnold Run». As of 2006, Zane currently runs his own website, and appears at seminars and book signings. In 2011 Frank Zane appeared in the documentary describing the weightlifting odyssey of spiritual teacher and peace advocate . The film was an official selection of the 2011 .

Frank Zanes Olympia Workout

Frank Zane’s Mr. Olympia workout is a modified version of the popular Push, Pull, Legs workout routine.

Technically, Frank Zane started his training routine with a Pull workout, followed by Leg workout, then a Push workout.

Frank Zane Workout Split

Frank Zane trained three out of every five days. The routine looked something like this:

  1. Monday – Pull Day
  2. Tuesday – Off
  3. Wednesday – Legs
  4. Thursday – Off
  5. Friday – Push Day
  6. Saturday – Pull Day
  7. Sunday – Off
  8. Monday – Legs
  9. Tuesday – Off
  10. Wednesday – Push Day
  11. Thursday – Pull Day
  12. Etc.

Notice that there are always rest days before and after leg day.

This is strategic. For one, it’s better to perform squats with a fresh back. hence the rest day prior to training legs.

Leg training is very taxing on the central nervous system, and a full day of rest is required to fully recover.

This is especially important if you’re on a restricted calorie diet.

The rest days provided enough time for muscles to recover and grow without being “overtrained”.

The workouts are high volume with emphasis on technique, and stretching between sets (very important!)

Now that we got the fluffy stuff out of the way, he’s what you came for…


Read the flavor text in the sections the describe the exercises. It provides critical knowledge for how to execute these exercises correctly in order to maximize benefit.

Note: Everything in italic text is a quote from Frank Zane’s website.

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